Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sumerians and the Light Bulb...

I never claim to be a genius.  Or at least, I never claim to be an expert on anything.  But I’m pretty sure that the Sumerians didn’t invent the light bulb.  The Sumerians, in case you didn’t know, were one of the first human civilizations that we have a recorded history of.  Don’t ask me about the details as Social Studies curriculum is currently not on my radar.  It’s safe to say, however, that the closest these guys got to the light bulb was when placing flame to a piece of wood.

I only bring this topic up for discussion because today one of my students with special needs informed me that, in fact, the Sumerians did indeed develop the light bulb.  We were working on his Social Studies test, which was over the ancient civilizations.  The question that he was asked was: “Name two inventions that the Sumerians are remembered for.”   Without blinking an eye, this students, let’s call him “Thomas” (see what I did there?) said, “Well, first off, they invented the light bulb.”  At first, I thought he had to be kidding, and like any sane individual, I simply laughed and said, “No, seriously, what did they invent?”  He stared at me in that way that kids do when they think you’re being totally stupid and that if you didn’t shape up they were going to make sure you didn’t get your dessert.  It’s a look I’m used to from years in my mother’s house, but still, it was a bit unsettling to see it from Thomas.  He replied, “Mr. Lovati, if the Sumerians didn’t invent the light bulb, then how do we have light bulbs right now? How did they see back then, Mr. Lovati?” 

He had a point.  How did they see?  My reply, “Well, Thomas, most likely they probably had fire, which would help them see.  Light bulbs didn’t come around for a long time.  I mean, think about it:  the Sumerians were around a loooong time ago.  Surely, someone else, say, Thomas Edison, could have invented the light bulb in all that time?  I think maybe you want to think of something a bit more simple.”  He looked at me, sighed, and replied, “All right, Mr. Lovati.  I’ll have to trust you on that…but I still think you’re wrong.”  Is it sad that all I could think was that I was glad the state wasn't assessing us in Social Studies this year?

The first blog ever...and I'll probably need a redo...

Welcome one and all to my new blog!  When thinking about what I wanted my blog to be about, I kept coming back to a simple idea that, as a teacher, I am exposed to some whacky and wild things that happen to me throughout my day.  My wife constantly tells me that I need to write these stories down, but they're just so common place and pedestrian to me that my brain often forgets them once I share them at the dinner table.  So, here I am now, with the power of the Internet at my finger tips, and a blog that needs starting, so why not make it about my crazy adventures as a teacher!

The title for my blog comes from golfing.  A mulligan, essentially, is a do over.  How often I've been teaching or interacting with a child and wish I had a do over.  With this blog, not only will I share some of my more entertaining stories from teaching, but also the trials and tribulations that can often come with being a teacher.  And maybe here, in front of the world, as I sort out the situations, I can find a way to discover my mulligan.  I can find that piece of information or knowledge that will help me do it better next time.

So stay tuned to these pages for updates and stories that will hopefully entertain.  And maybe, if I do a good job, we'll all learn something to!